“If you don’t like something, change it.” Maya Angelou

Did you know?

The VCLD Challenge

The Virginia Council for Learning Disabilities is making a commitment to the health and welfare of educators throughout the state.

In light of the trauma that results from violence in schools, and the added stress due to the Pandemic and Learning Loss, the role of the educator is more challenging now than ever before.

  • The US now averages more than 1 mass shooting a day. (Gun Violence Archive)
  • 60% of teachers said they worry about a mass shooting at their school (NEA)
  • 25% of teens describe themselves as “very worried” about a shooting happening at their school (PEW)
  • Guns are the leading cause of death in American children and teens. (US Center for Disease Control)
  • 75+% of teachers report frequent job stress, comparted to 40% of other professions.
  • There are currently 567,000 fewer teachers in America’s public schools than there were prior to the pandemic (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • 90% of educators surveyed said burnout is a problem (67% said it was very serious) (NEA)
  • 27% of teachers report signs of depression
  • 80% reported that unfilled job openings have led to more works obligations for those who stay (NEA)
  • 20% of teachers in Virginia said working conditions have become worse or much worse over the last 2 years
  • 3,071 teachers in Virginia reported that they were planning to leave the education field completely (unrelated to retirement) in 2021 (VDOE 2021 School Survey)

Our Commitment

  • We will offer curated resources to support teachers.
  • We challenge other state organizations to make a similar commitment and will include their names on our website and share their commitment to the health and welfare of educators throughout the state on our social media.

Our Challenge to the Professional Organizations in Virginia

  • Include Trauma Informed Care and Social Emotional Wellness as topics for your next conference or symposium.
  • Share resources to support teachers in these areas on your social media and website, and we will link them on our website, and share them on our social media.
  • Let us hear from you! Let’s work together to support educators in Virginia.

Resources for Social Emotional Wellness

Resources for Teacher Self-Care

Resources for Trauma-Informed Care

Resources for School Shootings